January Update 2017

I have done a November, December and now January update! I love these because by the time the middle of the month comes around, I have like 30,000 things to talk about!

Today I want to talk, mostly, about future blog plans. After all, my new year’s resolution was to get my blog in order and to keep up writing on it! I have lots of big dreams for my blog, including branching out into new content for different readers. As of now, I mostly write about how our family does in Chad, about the mission, pets, and mostly just things we do as a family. Which usually goes to my readers who are relatives and friends and don’t get me wrong, I love writing that stuff for you guys but I also want to go out into the blogging world and share my love of pets, crafts, room decor, hobbies, thoughts, stories, and adventures. So that’s what you will hopefully be seeing changes in!

Speaking of changes, when you got on my blog, you probably saw that my header changed again. That is one of the things I want to work on and improve so don’t be alarmed if you come on and it looks different from the last time you visited! Also please excuse any technical difficulties, I am getting somewhat used to the techy side of a blog, but it’s all a process. But, feel free to give me suggestions in the comments if you have difficulty with something or see something I might have missed! I will always appreciate the help!


Right now one of the biggest things in my life is school. Well, that goes without saying for about any teenager. What I mean is, our school’s semester deadline is at the end of January, and I don’t have all my classes done yet. This means I have to work super hard to get them done. Until then you may not hear a whole lot from me. But, In February, I’m all yours!

Besides being busy, we haven’t been busy lately (HAHAHAH). What I mean is that Livvy and I have been super busy finishing up school, but other than that we haven’t been doing much at all. Soka is quite busy though! She spends a lot of the day outside hunting lizards, birds, and cats. Don’t worry, she doesn’t usually catch them!


I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but the kitties are now living with us! The cat who used to live at the center had a litter of four kittens and our teammates have two living with them, and we have two living with us! They are a lot bigger since I last shared pictures of them! The one on the left is Drax and on the right is Neo.


The chicks are doing alright and have gotten much bigger. We thought that our first batch of chicks was ready to go live in the pen in the yard, so we brought them out. Somehow they escaped into the yard. One of them died, and two were recovered. One of them is still missing, so either she (we think she was a she) died out in the yard, or she is really good at hiding.

The smaller batch of chicks are doing good. One of them died aswell , but that was just because it was the runt of the batch or it got sick. There wasn’t a lot we could do. = (


You are probably wondering about the cover pic.


Well, the real reason that this is the cover pic is because I don’t have anything else to use for it (lol), but I also get to anounce that I have rounded up enough pics of the city to make a whole post about it, so get excited!!


I hope you all liked my recent post about the river! I was really looking forward to sharing it with you all. I was informed that it is called the Chari river (thanks Mrs. S)!


I also wanted to thank you all for reading! I love seeing all your lovely comments, and reading them. It just warms my heart! I want to say thanks a million. You are the people who let me write my stories. I just love it and love you guys!


Lots of Love – Abby<3

14 thoughts on “January Update 2017

  1. I admire your keeping up your blog. I have always wanted to keep up a journal but I start and then never keep it going. You are amazing! As always miss you and love you. Aunt Carolyn


  2. Hey Abb. A late comment on this post. Apparently you’re writing faster then we can read. So much fun to hear about all the pets. You sure are growing in this blog thing. Keep it up. Wonderful to here about your plans. Praying that you get all the school work done.
    Love you more than cheese.


    1. Thanks a ton! I checked out your blog and…Wow! Super beautiful, easy to use, and super interesting!!! I am in a little shock that my new tiny blog get checked out by you! It means a lot! Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Be praying for you and Olivia as you finish school. Be sharing the town picture with S.S. kids. Thanks for your blog. Mark & Debbie


  4. As always, I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to the promised blog with pictures of the city! We are having breakfast this morning with your grandparents whose friendship we cherish. Good luck with finishing all your work for the end of the school semester!
    Martha Butz


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